Moral Reconation Therapy in Joliet, IL

Joliet Drug Rehab Centers offers connections to a variety of therapies to help individuals get their lives back on track. Because addiction can cause deterioration in moral reasoning and lack of concern for the needs of others, a therapy that addresses these problems can be instrumental in returning patients to normal function. Moral reconation therapy at Joliet Drug Rehab Centers helps individuals improve their moral reasoning to help them interact more effectively with others.  

What Is Moral Reconation Therapy?

Moral reconation therapy, or MRT, is a method of helping individuals develop their sense of moral reasoning in regard to interactions with people around them. The method was developed as a therapy for people in the criminal justice system, to help them develop moral reasoning skills that would help them avoid recidivism in the future. However, it soon became clear that these same methods could be useful to individuals dealing with addiction recovery issues.

Because the therapy emphasizes honesty, accountability and the effects on one’s action on other people, it provides a practical exercise in developing better interpersonal skills. MRT can help to increase self-esteem, identify a purpose in life, increase the ability to deal with negative emotions and provide greater control over thrill-seeking behavior. These skills help to increase good decision making in everyday life.

MRT’s Progressive Steps

MRT is implemented in a series of progressive steps designed to increase understanding of one’s choices and actions:

  • Confronting beliefs, attitudes and behaviors
  • A full assessment of current relationships
  • Reinforcement of positive behaviors and habits
  • Formation of a positive identity
  • Enhancing a health self-concept
  • Managing pleasure-seeking behavior and increasing tolerance for frustration
  • Developing higher levels of moral reasoning

How Moral Reconation Therapy Can Help Individuals With Addiction

People who have been struggling with addiction for a number of years may have fallen into a number of poor reasoning habits that keep them locked in the cycle of substance abuse. They may have isolated themselves from friends and family in order to continue using. They may have lied, cheated and stolen to keep the substance coming. In some cases, these individuals may have never understood good moral reasoning. In other cases, they may have forgotten what it feels like to make good choices and consider the good of other people in their lives.

MRT allows them to return to good moral understanding of their actions. It improves the ability to empathize with other people and aids in controlling emotions and behaviors. Most importantly, it help individuals in recovery think in terms of moral good, for themselves and for other people, which can be an important skill in rebuilding healthy relationships and a healthy lifestyle.

Moral Reconation Therapy Can Help Many Types of People

Moral reconation therapy has certain advantages to individuals receiving treatment because it can be used easily by people at all education levels and for all learning styles. The goals are simple, and results are easily recorded. Honesty is the foundation of the therapy, so individuals learn to be accountable at the most basic level of communication. Progress is incremental and readily apparent, so that the participants receive the positive feedback they need to increase their self-esteem and motivation.

If you have a problem with addiction and would like to get treatment that can help you return to normal living and relationships, contact Joliet Drug Rehab Centers at (779) 333-0829 to learn more about therapy options.